Real World Social Networks

As leaders in the development of real human social network analysis, we can map the relationships of your population of interest, find influencers, increase sales, foster behavior change or predict trends.  We have patents in the area and access to many of the leading scientists in the world.

Online Influence

We have the technology to acquire meaningful online social network data, format and analyze it to measure, predict and influence the spread of information online.

Public Health

We have extensive expertise and experience in analyzing public health questions, including causal modeling, geographic models, with a particular focus on how high quality can be measured, achieved and delivered.

Quantitative Social Science

With years of experience developing quantitative methods, we can help you solve most quantitative problems, provide training on advanced topics in causal inference, model selection and execution, or topics in regression and network modeling.  We can also provide shorter talks on particular subjects of interest.

Behavioral Change Targeting

We have developed scores of behavioral change targeting plans to take your intervention and dramatically magnify its effectiveness through developing an optimized list of targets, times for contact, and feedback mechanisms to refine the process.

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence

These topics have been becoming more popular recently, but we have used them as tools for some time, performing such tasks as identifying undiagnosed patients, predicting the course of disease and in braoder decision support applications.